Source code for aiozmq.rpc.pubsub

import asyncio
from import Iterable
from functools import partial

import zmq

from aiozmq import create_zmq_connection

from .base import (
from .log import logger

[docs]@asyncio.coroutine def connect_pubsub(*, connect=None, bind=None, loop=None, translation_table=None): """A coroutine that creates and connects/binds pubsub client. Usually for this function you need to use connect parameter, but ZeroMQ does not forbid to use bind. translation_table -- an optional table for custom value translators. loop -- an optional parameter to point ZmqEventLoop. If loop is None then default event loop will be given by asyncio.get_event_loop() call. Returns PubSubClient instance. """ if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() transp, proto = yield from create_zmq_connection( lambda: _ClientProtocol(loop, translation_table=translation_table), zmq.PUB, connect=connect, bind=bind, loop=loop) return PubSubClient(loop, proto)
[docs]@asyncio.coroutine def serve_pubsub(handler, *, subscribe=None, connect=None, bind=None, loop=None, translation_table=None, log_exceptions=False, exclude_log_exceptions=(), timeout=None): """A coroutine that creates and connects/binds pubsub server instance. Usually for this function you need to use *bind* parameter, but ZeroMQ does not forbid to use *connect*. handler -- an object which processes incoming pipeline calls. Usually you like to pass AttrHandler instance. log_exceptions -- log exceptions from remote calls if True. subscribe -- subscription specification. Subscribe server to topics. Allowed parameters are str, bytes, iterable of str or bytes. translation_table -- an optional table for custom value translators. exclude_log_exceptions -- sequence of exception classes than should not be logged. timeout -- timeout for performing handling of async server calls. loop -- an optional parameter to point ZmqEventLoop. If loop is None then default event loop will be given by asyncio.get_event_loop() call. Returns PubSubService instance. Raises OSError on system error. Raises TypeError if arguments have inappropriate type. """ if loop is None: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() transp, proto = yield from create_zmq_connection( lambda: _ServerProtocol(loop, handler, translation_table=translation_table, log_exceptions=log_exceptions, exclude_log_exceptions=exclude_log_exceptions, timeout=timeout), zmq.SUB, connect=connect, bind=bind, loop=loop) serv = PubSubService(loop, proto) if subscribe is not None: if isinstance(subscribe, (str, bytes)): subscribe = [subscribe] else: if not isinstance(subscribe, Iterable): raise TypeError('bind should be str, bytes or iterable') for topic in subscribe: serv.subscribe(topic) return serv
class _ClientProtocol(_BaseProtocol): def call(self, topic, name, args, kwargs): if self.transport is None: raise ServiceClosedError() if topic is None: btopic = b'' elif isinstance(topic, str): btopic = topic.encode('utf-8') elif isinstance(topic, bytes): btopic = topic else: raise TypeError('topic argument should be None, str or bytes ' '({!r})'.format(topic)) bname = name.encode('utf-8') bargs = self.packer.packb(args) bkwargs = self.packer.packb(kwargs) self.transport.write([btopic, bname, bargs, bkwargs]) fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) fut.set_result(None) return fut class PubSubClient(Service): def __init__(self, loop, proto): super().__init__(loop, proto) def publish(self, topic): """Return object for dynamic PubSub calls. The usage is: yield from client.publish('my_topic').ns.func(1, 2) topic argument may be None otherwise must be isntance of str or bytes """ return _MethodCall(self._proto, topic) class PubSubService(Service): def subscribe(self, topic): """Subscribe to the topic. topic argument must be str or bytes. Raises TypeError in other cases """ if isinstance(topic, bytes): btopic = topic elif isinstance(topic, str): btopic = topic.encode('utf-8') else: raise TypeError('topic should be str or bytes, got {!r}' .format(topic)) self.transport.subscribe(btopic) def unsubscribe(self, topic): """Unsubscribe from the topic. topic argument must be str or bytes. Raises TypeError in other cases """ if isinstance(topic, bytes): btopic = topic elif isinstance(topic, str): btopic = topic.encode('utf-8') else: raise TypeError('topic should be str or bytes, got {!r}' .format(topic)) self.transport.unsubscribe(btopic) class _MethodCall: __slots__ = ('_proto', '_topic', '_names') def __init__(self, proto, topic, names=()): self._proto = proto self._topic = topic self._names = names def __getattr__(self, name): return self.__class__(self._proto, self._topic, self._names + (name,)) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): if not self._names: raise ValueError("PubSub method name is empty") return, '.'.join(self._names), args, kwargs) class _ServerProtocol(_BaseServerProtocol): def msg_received(self, data): btopic, bname, bargs, bkwargs = data args = self.packer.unpackb(bargs) kwargs = self.packer.unpackb(bkwargs) try: name = bname.decode('utf-8') func = self.dispatch(name) args, kwargs, ret_ann = self.check_args(func, args, kwargs) except (NotFoundError, ParametersError) as exc: fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) fut.set_exception(exc) else: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): fut = self.add_pending(func(*args, **kwargs)) else: fut = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop) try: fut.set_result(func(*args, **kwargs)) except Exception as exc: fut.set_exception(exc) fut.add_done_callback(partial(self.process_call_result, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)) def process_call_result(self, fut, *, name, args, kwargs): self.discard_pending(fut) try: if fut.result() is not None: logger.warning("PubSub handler %r returned not None", name) except asyncio.CancelledError: return except (NotFoundError, ParametersError) as exc: logger.exception("Call to %r caused error: %r", name, exc) except Exception: self.try_log(fut, name, args, kwargs)