Source code for aiozmq.rpc.base

import abc
import asyncio
import inspect
import pprint
import textwrap
from types import MethodType

from .log import logger
from .packer import _Packer
from aiozmq import interface

if hasattr(asyncio, 'ensure_future'):
    ensure_future = asyncio.ensure_future
else:  # Deprecated since Python version 3.4.4.
    ensure_future = getattr(asyncio, 'async')

[docs]class Error(Exception): """Base RPC exception"""
[docs]class GenericError(Error): """Error for all untranslated exceptions from rpc method calls.""" def __init__(self, exc_type, args, exc_repr): super().__init__(exc_type, args, exc_repr) self.exc_type = exc_type self.arguments = args self.exc_repr = exc_repr def __repr__(self): return '<Generic RPC Error {}{}: {}>'.format(self.exc_type, self.arguments, self.exc_repr)
[docs]class NotFoundError(Error, LookupError): """Error raised by server if RPC namespace/method lookup failed."""
class ParametersError(Error, ValueError): """Error raised by server when RPC method's parameters could not be validated against their annotations."""
[docs]class ServiceClosedError(Error): """RPC Service is closed."""
[docs]class AbstractHandler(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Abstract class for server-side RPC handlers.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, key): raise KeyError
@classmethod def __subclasshook__(cls, C): if issubclass(C, (str, bytes)): return False if cls is AbstractHandler: if any("__getitem__" in B.__dict__ for B in C.__mro__): return True return NotImplemented
[docs]class AttrHandler(AbstractHandler): """Base class for RPC handlers via attribute lookup.""" def __getitem__(self, key): try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError: raise KeyError
[docs]def method(func): """Marks a decorated function as RPC endpoint handler. The func object may provide arguments and/or return annotations. If so annotations should be callable objects and they will be used to validate received arguments and/or return value. """ func.__rpc__ = {} func.__signature__ = sig = inspect.signature(func) for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): ann = param.annotation if ann is not param.empty and not callable(ann): raise ValueError("Expected {!r} annotation to be callable" .format(name)) ann = sig.return_annotation if ann is not sig.empty and not callable(ann): raise ValueError("Expected return annotation to be callable") return func
[docs]class Service(asyncio.AbstractServer): """RPC service. Instances of Service (or descendants) are returned by coroutines that creates clients or servers. Implementation of AbstractServer. """ def __init__(self, loop, proto): self._loop = loop self._proto = proto @property def transport(self): """Return the transport. You can use the transport to dynamically bind/unbind, connect/disconnect etc. """ transport = self._proto.transport if transport is None: raise ServiceClosedError() return transport
[docs] def close(self): if self._proto.closing: return self._proto.closing = True if self._proto.transport is None: return self._proto.transport.close()
[docs] @asyncio.coroutine def wait_closed(self): if self._proto.transport is None: return waiter = asyncio.Future(loop=self._loop) self._proto.done_waiters.append(waiter) yield from waiter
class _BaseProtocol(interface.ZmqProtocol): def __init__(self, loop, *, translation_table=None): self.loop = loop self.transport = None self.done_waiters = [] self.packer = _Packer(translation_table=translation_table) self.pending_waiters = set() self.closing = False def connection_made(self, transport): self.transport = transport def connection_lost(self, exc): self.transport = None for waiter in self.done_waiters: waiter.set_result(None) class _BaseServerProtocol(_BaseProtocol): def __init__(self, loop, handler, *, translation_table=None, log_exceptions=False, exclude_log_exceptions=(), timeout=None): super().__init__(loop, translation_table=translation_table) if not isinstance(handler, AbstractHandler): raise TypeError('handler must implement AbstractHandler') self.handler = handler self.log_exceptions = log_exceptions self.exclude_log_exceptions = exclude_log_exceptions self.timeout = timeout def connection_lost(self, exc): super().connection_lost(exc) for waiter in list(self.pending_waiters): if not waiter.cancelled(): waiter.cancel() def dispatch(self, name): if not name: raise NotFoundError(name) namespaces, sep, method = name.rpartition('.') handler = self.handler if namespaces: for part in namespaces.split('.'): try: handler = handler[part] except KeyError: raise NotFoundError(name) else: if not isinstance(handler, AbstractHandler): raise NotFoundError(name) try: func = handler[method] except KeyError: raise NotFoundError(name) else: if isinstance(func, MethodType): holder = func.__func__ else: holder = func if not hasattr(holder, '__rpc__'): raise NotFoundError(name) return func def check_args(self, func, args, kwargs): """Utility function for validating function arguments Returns validated (args, kwargs, return annotation) tuple """ try: sig = inspect.signature(func) bargs = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) except TypeError as exc: raise ParametersError(repr(exc)) from exc else: arguments = bargs.arguments marker = object() for name, param in sig.parameters.items(): if param.annotation is param.empty: continue val = arguments.get(name, marker) if val is marker: continue # Skip default value try: arguments[name] = param.annotation(val) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: raise ParametersError( 'Invalid value for argument {!r}: {!r}' .format(name, exc)) from exc if sig.return_annotation is not sig.empty: return bargs.args, bargs.kwargs, sig.return_annotation return bargs.args, bargs.kwargs, None def try_log(self, fut, name, args, kwargs): try: fut.result() except Exception as exc: if self.log_exceptions: for e in self.exclude_log_exceptions: if isinstance(exc, e): return logger.exception(textwrap.dedent("""\ An exception %r from method %r call occurred. args = %s kwargs = %s """), exc, name, pprint.pformat(args), pprint.pformat(kwargs)) # noqa def add_pending(self, coro): fut = ensure_future(coro, loop=self.loop) self.pending_waiters.add(fut) return fut def discard_pending(self, fut): self.pending_waiters.discard(fut)